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Escort girls wanted in Essex

  • Mazowieckie, Warszawa, Colchester
  • 2015-11-23 11:40:17

Hi ladies, I am currently on the search for the suitable women to take up an exciting opportunity as a professional escort in the Colchester area. Victoria's escorts are an established agency with a great depth of experience in the field of escorting, and so candidates can rest assured that they are under the best guidance from an agency which knows what it's doing, so that you can strive for success and enjoy all the benefits that female escorting has to offer! Of course, not everyone is going to be suitable, and so it is important that candidates meet a carefully thought about set of criteria. Candidates must; be a minimum of 18 years old, and preferably a maximum of 35 ( though older candidates may be considered) be well groomed and maintain an attractive appearance. must know at least basic English, as communication with the agency is key. reliable and professional. This should be treated like any other work environment, that means NO drugs or alcohol, being able to follow instructions and no attention seeking etc. No drama!   generally be friendly and approachable. after all, you're dealing with clients! If you feel you meet these criteria and will make a great escort, then please send some pictures and your details to and we will consider your application. If we agree that you are suitable then we will then arrange further interaction to get to know you as an individual, before you can get out there and make some good money. Victorias Escorts xxx

Ogłoszenie oglądano: 1073 razy

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